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Base de datos de objetivos Dallmeyer online

Iniciado por admin, 22 Noviembre 2014, 03:00:53 AM

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Some of you might known Sean Mackenna.
Years ago Sean copied the original books of the Dallmeyer factory.
Those books contained a lot of information on production dates of the dallmeyer lenses including the person who made it and who it was sold to.
Unfortunately Sean died at the 14yh of October 2012.
Sean was a really nice guy, always helpful to find the production dates of lenses.

His wife Jen told me that they were working on the idea to publish the whole Dallmeyer database online. It must have been a hell of a job because the amount of information is was huge.
The good news is that it is online now. So if you are looking for a year of build for your Dallmeyer lens, just visit this website:

By now I don't know yet who did this great job, but MANY MANY
thanks for all the hard work!!

(Alex Timmerman)